Thursday, October 14, 2010


Pressed the "A" button for the last time today and was #468 in waiting to pay for the very last school fee to pay for, for now.. I might get some more schoolin' later but right now I'm not down with the institution. I'm going to let life fill my head a little bit and some libraries and used bookshop scavengering fill my thoughts.

One thing I shall definitely miss are the art classes, and how close they made me feel to the art world. I felt that closeness today when I preferred to sneak a peek at a Nelson Henricks exhibition being shown at the Library building's gallery instead of sitting in a plastic chair with other drones for a good half hour.

I ended up sitting in on a 4 projection video installation called "Unwriting" which is inspired by writer's block and had some hands clapping, electric guitar playing, typewriter keys being tapped in a musical sequence, pencil tips breaking and telephones.

Reminded me of how much I like video art and miss project critiques..

I know what I want to say, but I don't say what I mean. I listen to you speak and my thoughts are coming in fast. When I make typos, I can feel my fingers touching the wrong keys, when I say the wrong thing, I can feel the mistake on my tongue and on my lips.

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